ideas from
Right Side of the Brain - recognizes pitch as well as certain parts of melody, harmony, timbre (or quality of a musical tone) and rhythm
Left Side of the Brain - processes fast changes in repetition and energy, both in music and words
Both Sides of the Brain - complete the understanding of rhythm
Frontal Part of the Brain - where working memories are contained, assists with knowledge of memory and rhythm
Much work is being done to see the connections between the auditory cortex and the parts of the brain that handle emotions brought about by music
Even without physically moving, like when tapping out beats in your head, the motor system in your brain is turned on
Hatha Yoga comes from two Sanskrit words:
ideas from Poser, My Life In Twenty-Three Yoga Poses by Claire Dederer:
"Ha" shouts to the right side of the body, to the robust sun, to power
"Tha" beckons the left side of the body, the soft moon, docility
"Yoga" means to yoke - thus in yoga, we meld the energies of hatha
A therapist once told me that I need to not give away my power. When she told me this, it struck a deep chord in me. The power of being a woman is found in the intertwining of both robustness and softness. As women who love Jesus, we are called to present the relationship of Jesus and His church. As His friends, we yearn to make him happy, not the kind of submission to a demanding lord that I was taught in my younger years. No! My husband says, Jesus is a Gentle Man...he beckons us to a life of abundance as we seek Him and His will, because His will is always that which is in our best interest. I have been given a gift beyond anything I remotely deserve in my husband who is a seal to me of Jesus forgiveness and faithfulness to never stop trying to regain me on His side! I was talking to my husband this evening about how, since around 2008, I had started giving tiny glimpses to Jesus again, after a continual, complete and blasphemous rejection of Him.
To side step for a second, my abhorrence to Christ came not as much out of rebellion to the sweet Savior I understand today, but in steps away from the Lord of Wrath that I was taught in church. But, instead of tossing out only the tainted bath water, I tossed out the baby, yes ALL of Jesus along with it. For years I have blamed much of this on the church, my parents, etc. but have finally come to the reality that yes, while these people may have precipitated my rejection, I am responsible to seek truth on my own and find a way out of the confusion. It is my responsibility in the end. But I must follow this with - Jesus NEVER left me even when I violently pushed Him aside. He, over and over, wooed me back to Him and kept me safe from all the dangers I put myself in!
But back to 2008, I came back to Christ, gungho at times, only to reject Him thoroughly again, until January 19th of this year, 2011, when I had what my husband calls a Damascus Road experience. I was in my classroom with my one year olds listening to the hymn, "O, Sacred Head now wounded with grief and shame weighed down; now scornfully surrounded with thorns Thy only crown. How art Thou pale with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn; how dost Thy visage languish which once was bright as morn. What Thou, my Lord hast suffered was all for sinners shame; mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain. Lo, here I fall my Savior, tis I deserve Thy place; look on me with Thy favor; vouch safe to me Thy grace. What language shall I borrow to thank Thee dearest Friend, for this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Oh, make me Thine forever and should I fainting be, Lord let me never, never outlive my love to Thee!" In my heart, hearing the music and lyrics to this song, I bowed and claimed my allegiance to Jesus as my Savior and Lord for eternity! And not because the doubts were gone; no, I still wonder about truth, but this kind of a Friend is too incredibly good to pass up...He has Pity Without End...and now I want so badly to make Him happy...I almost wrote, to make up for my direct hand in His torture and blood bath death, but I could never do anything that could make up for that...that is why He died so I didn't have to try only to fail over and over again. His bloody, unrecognizable form was for my peace and freedom!