Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cozy, Simple Care Of Self

We hear so much about getting the right amount of vitamins, water, fruits and veggies, exercise, sleep, etc. I refuse to be a health nut, worrying about everything that goes inside me. But, on the other hand, it is a relief  to feel energized, at peace and healthy inside and out. So I have found a manageable, cost-efficient way to take care of my body. Yes, I do want to learn more, like how to eat more raw foods, like my brother and his fiance and my friend Natalie do, but I think the most important thing is to find what individually makes your body feel good. This is what works for me:

1) 64 to 96 oz of 1/2 strength diluted Gatorade a day (I buy the powder in bulk and put 1/2 a scoop to 32 oz of water. Drinking two of these a day is 200 calories and the recommended 8 glasses of water/day, three of these a day is only 300 calories and is over the amount of recommended water a day. I am one of those people who need some kind of flavor and slight sweetness in my water. I am trying really hard to get away from most artificial sugar, so diluted Gatorade works for me. Besides hydrating, Gatorade has electrolytes of sodium and potassium to help balance fluid in the body.

2) Vitamins: For Overall Wellness - Geritol Complete has every vitamin and mineral recommended for humans in each pill and 100% daily antioxidant formula; For Energy - Super B - Complex with at least 100% of B1,2,3,6,12 and Folic acid; For Sunshine Happiness in the Mind - Vitamin D3 2,000 I.U.; For Healthy Heart - Fish Oil with 720 milligrams of Omega 3 two times a day

3) Veggies and Fruits: I simply drink a 11.5 oz can of V-8 Spicy a day and drink 16 oz of V-8 Fusion. This regimen provides 4 fruits and veggies/ daily and is a simple way to get them.

4) Yogurt for snacks is a good source of calcium, protein and carbs with a banana which provides a 5th fruit/veggie and vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and fiber

5) Yoga: this is something that each person has to personalize for themselves. Yoga is supposed to stretch you and relax the mind and body. For me, the parts that most need relaxing in me are my mind and my spine. So my primary poses are forward bends, back bends and inversions. is a good resource for finding an individualized sequence.

6) Sleep: this is simple; whenever I am sleepy, if I can, I lay down and sleep. If I can't I'll drink a little coffee. 

Being someone who has always had a hard time sleeping, I treasure it and think it is very important.

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